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8월22일 스포트라이아워 콘팡 Venonat 본문
#48 Venonat
Venonat is dual-type Bug/Poison Pokemon
Insect Pokemon
It eveloves into Venomoth starting at level 31
Venonat is an insectoid Pokemon with a spherical (구모양) body covered in purple fur.
The fur releases a toxic liquid and it spreads when shaken violently off their bvodies.
A pink pincer-like mouth (집게발) with two teech, stubby(몽톡한) forepaws, and a pair of two-toed feet arev visible throught its fur.
its limbs(팔) are light tan(밝은갈색?).
There is also a pair of white antennae sprouting from the top of its head.
However, the most prominent feature on its face are its largm red compound eyes.
Venonat's hightly developed eyes act as radar units and can shoot powerful beams.
Venonat can be found in dense temperate forests, where it will sleep in the hole of a tree until nightfall.
It sleeps throughtouth the day because the small insect it feeds n appear only at night.
Both Venonat and its prey are attracted to bright lights.
(출처: Pokemon-planet.fandom.com)
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